Just like every intelligent pack creature on earth, quail like to have fun. Social fun! Read on to learn more about how quail enjoy themselves.

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🌟 Dustbathing

One of the many ways they love to play is through dustbathing. Dustbathing is when a quail (or more usually, an entire covey) begin rolling, hopping and wiggling in dirt or sand. This social behavior can be observed most often during midday, and seems to be deeply ingrained in quail dna. Rather then a want, this is an absolute need.

Assuming you use coarse sand as litter, you needn’t worry about providing your quail with a dustbathing opportunity as they’ll always have it!

â›° Exploring

There are many ways to help your covey live a semi-natural existence free of boredom. One way is to give them an interesting place to live! Quail do enjoy running, so give them a little obstacle course and watch them thrive.

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