Why paint or stain your quail home?

Because it helps with keeping your quail home clean and hygienic. Raw wood, while beautiful, can house mites, is difficult to wipe clean, and eventually rots.

Please don’t waste your money, build your quail home to last.

Not all paint is created equal—some can even kill your quail. In general, you’ll want to use paints that are as natural and non-toxic as possible.

Paint Recommendations:

You’ll notice that every color is green. This is a very calming and favored color for quail. No, I didn’t make that up, they actually did academic studies. Quails like grass!

Here’s the description from Real Milk Paint Co.

Real Milk Paint is versatile and easy to use, environmentally friendly, and non toxic paint. Made from 100% organic material, Real Milk Paint is not only safe for the environment, it also protects our customers from the harmful fumes of non-organic paint.