Quail. Love. Grasses. I cannot stress this enough. In the wild, quail nest and brood in high grass, sleep in high grass, eat bugs off of high grass, and even eat the seeds and fruits of high grass.

🌱🌱 Grass is life grass is love 🌱🌱 Your job, then, is to figure out what native grasses and wildflowers live in your area, and then plant them wherever your quail are! The following list is USA-specific.

<aside> 💡 If you’re looking to create your own sustainable quail feed, then you’ll want to feed your adult quail 80% grains, seeds & legumes, 20% proteins (grubs etc). Then throw in lots of different herbs, weeds and flowers.


<aside> 💡 Quail chicks need a larger amount of protein to thrive—about 26%.


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